
Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Florida man rips girlfriend's intestines out after she screamed ex boyfriend name during sex

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Maria Nemeth from Florida had made the 'mistake' of calling out her ex-husband's name while making love to her boyfriend, Fidel Lopez. Lopez punished her and how! By ripping out her intestines with his bare hands.
In his initial statement, 24-year Lopez told the police he and Nemeth, 31, had drunk tequila that night and later, after having sex, he found his girlfriend unconscious in the bathroom. Lopez had been the one to call the police from their apartment in Florida, which he said he did after he realised that Nemeth was 'having trouble breathing'.
Lopez, however, changed his story later, revealing that he had killed Nemeth in a drunken rage after she cried out another man's name during sex. He admitted to having attacked Nemeth, inserting foreign objects inside her, mutilating her with "various objects", and then eviscerated her with his bare hands.

Lopez, then, tried to revive her by splashing water on her face. But when that did not work, he called the police at around 3.30 in the morning and gave them the fabricated story. Nemeth, whose naked body was found lying in a pool of blood by the paramedics, was pronounced dead at the scene.
After he came clean about his crime, Lopez was arrested on a first-degree murder charge on Sunday, September 20, 2015.

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