happy Sunday my beloved,pls lets hear your comments
There is still the danger of being conned by your beautiful girlfriend who could be a covert prostitute or have a history of indulging in it. There are certain signs that must be kept in mind to identify such women , because such women aren’t really the type you might be looking for, especially when it comes to seeking loyalty within a relationship. Her loyalties are basically reserved for the highest bidder; and if you fail to bid consistently, you’ll lose her in the end.
Even women who haven’t prostituted themselves can exhibit these traits below. Technically they may not be prostitutes, but they still have a prostitute’s mind set. Essentially, they prostitute themselves to their boyfriends or lovers for a period of time, as long as these men can afford them. This has led to the coinage of the term ‘retired prostitution’ to such relationships where men are essentially indirectly paying for s*x.
Below are some of the signs;
1. She’s obsessed about money and excessively materialistic:
The classic prostitute mind set: she talks money, thinks money, eats money, sleeps money. This woman can easily be seduced with offers of money, and sometimes even asks for it. She never refuses offers of cash gifts. Money will open her legs and give her gina tingles faster than any other thing. The only thing that draws her closer to any man is the smell of his pocket, she can never say no to any man hence the cash is there to splash on her.
2. She makes it a routine to request for something (maybe monetary) before giving you s*x:
These type of girls are so cunning in their dealings, when they first start a date with a potential costumer, they will give you frequent and great s*x(they are very good in bed) without requesting anything in return at least for a week or less. When she has succeeded in blowing off your mind in bed ,then gradually she reduces the fun ( to make you beg for it) to a reluctant transaction she performs for you only when you have done something for her first (usually something of monetary value). s*x now becomes a reward in the relationship.
3. Make-Up:
Many people may not see anything in this, but it is very essential. As a wise man, you do not overlook somethings; ask questions about her past from people that know her, her friends, neighbor, when she makes up like a prostitute.They find it difficult go move around without make up because of low self esteem and when they want to make up, Oooops! it is always scary ,and terrible. Like those days in school, we always say; 'by their make up, we shall know them'.
4 . She openly tells you she doesn’t trust her friends around you , but still doesn’t want to leave them:
Birds of same feathers flie together. She gets upset and paranoid(ask a lot of questions) anytime you tell her you met one of her girlfriends. She is only trying to protect her money making machine from her fellow tigers (they are all in same business). To her friends she will be like “go get your own maga”. She knows that her friends can always pour into her garri, because they are bunch of jealous/unfriendly friends.
5. She boasts and prides herself of her sexual skills and how men are attracted to her and also she is openly jealous of beautiful women:
She knew that the only thing she is good at is s*x, and she will always brag about it , like how all her ex are still calling and begging her because of it. She says all these to upgrade her low self esteem and to make you feel jealous of losing her while she milks you dry. If you are observant enough you will also notice her envy against younger and more beautiful women whom she tries to demean. She hates any sweet-young-beautiful-girl around her with any reason.
6. She tends to be usually ‘busy’ within the week without explaining what she has been doing:
‘Busy’ is the code word for booked or reserved, a term commonly used by prostitutes. A normal girl will rather tell you directly what she’s doing to postpone plans, instead of using the ambiguous, business-like ‘busy’ , when we all know she doesn’t work or go to school during the weekend. She is full of disappointment, she often keeps one stranded because she is always booked by other men who are richer.
7. She is known by multiple names among people. [/b]Her guy friends call her with different names, or she asks you to address her by a name which is not her real name. Also: she has multiple cell numbers.
If your “Linda” is called “Chidinma” by some other guy and as well called Jenny by another, it means that those names are her work alias. Runs girls don’t want to be known by their real names to protect their identity. Multiple cell numbers are obvious: one is for personal or casual use, the other one is for official or ‘work’ (prostitution) use. Don't be surprise when you go through the phones, the kind of names you gonna see there;e.g- Alhaji, Chief, Onyem, Ogam, DR, Senator etc.
[b]8. You happen to find stuffs like wigs of several colours, length and styles in her wardrobe:
Who carries or keeps stuffs like that? Only experienced professionals. Wigs are to camouflage her identity when in club house or other places she normally hangout to catch potential clients. There was one where i was staying, honestly this was her style; a man drops her off while wearing a red hair, in the next 30 minutes she will pull it and wears a white her when another man will come and pick her up same day so that the first one will not recognize her when he sees her the next minute. lolz
9. You observe she has some tiny (razor-like) markings or piecing(earring) close to her va*ina:
Professional runs girl just like professional armed robbers, often seek spiritual protections and prosperity in their work. This diabolical protection is mostly done by cutting a slight flesh close to the vagina or piecing of some sensitive areas, through which concoctions are inserted. Some of these work like charms against men so that once they get in, the man can’t leave until he is milked dry, while some maybe for protection from ritualist , occultist e.t.c
10. She has a poor or average income, but she manages to afford a comparatively affluent lifestyle without family support:
Who pays for it? Is she surviving on a financial loan? Whenever you see her quarrelling with anybody, the first thing you will hear her brag of is what she has. How she has visited Sharaton Hotel dinning with the President, how expensive her cloths are, her properties and the kind of class she operates. the question still remains, how does she get all these?
11. She constantly reminds you of the things that she’s done for you:
Especially of the sex she provided for you. What else can she do for you except provide her ‘special’ orifices for you
on demand? For her, you should be grateful for the skilled services she provided for you, since she has done a better job than what her competitors would have given you because most of these ladis we are talking about are lazy to work except their 'bedmatic business'.
12. She berates and criticizes girls who date men below them in social and economic status:
You hear them say things like ‘why on earth will a fine girl like that be dating that small ratchet boy’. Ask her what’s her business, her business is that it’s a waste of resources to see a poor guy digging that money making pot for free, when their are big men out there ready to pay for it. They always say that every girl is ashawo, that a girl f*cking different men is the same with one f*cking one man hence he has not paid your dowry. They say this trying to justify their lifestyles, so they prefer you f*ck and get paid than otherwise.
13. She rates men on their income, social status and influence (disregarding character):
If she idolizes rich and ‘successful’ men of questionable character, it shows where her priorities lie. A little attention from such men is enough for her to pull down her panties for them. That's why you see most of them going out with old-married-men who are close to their graves. No matter how reasonable, intelligent, wise and God-fearing you are, they don't care if you don't have smoke coming out from your pocket. If they claim to love you if you're a comfortable guy, play them some tricks, pretend as if you're having financial problems at least for six months an see if they will not leave you or change their character towards you.
14. In public even when she is with you, she still keep staring at other men:
Just as some guys (even when with their babes) still stare at other women butt (especially when it’s bigger than their babe'), that’s same way a covert prostitute even when with her so called boyfriend stares at other guys she thinks are richer. The only different is that she stares at the potential maga straight into his eyes, and hoping the dude catches the gaze (signal) and runs after her.
15. She despises poverty, and more so of men who have low paying jobs:
She easily get annoyed and abusive while dealing with poor men ( taxi driver, barrow pusher, e.t.c ). Her hatred for poverty reminds her of her own desperate circumstances at one time. Though most women are hypergamous by nature, most women don’t despise poor men as long as he is working to earn something. Prostitutes however see no ‘customer’ potential in such men, therefore can never relate with poor people well nor regard them as humans even when their own family is wretched.
If your Girlfriend exhibits any of the above Listed attitude, guy run for your dear life....ooops
Courtesy, Nairaland.
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Thanks zcheche blog for opening our eyes if not, all these virgin-prostitutes wey dey every go kill us
after goin through this write up, i realized that to see a good and responsible lady nowadays, it's like a camel passing through the eye of a needle. God help us
Men are shouting on point.....good one. What about men who are into suger mommy business, how do we know them zcheche?
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