
Sunday, 28 June 2015

Things a Woman Should NOT Do When Her Partner Cheats

There are many things a woman should not do when she notices that her partner is cheating on her, here are some of them;

NAG:- Please do not nag at him. The wall street journal, claimed that nagging is the highest marriage killer. Because when you nag, it makes him feel like you are mothering him,which can lead to resentment and irritation. If your mom is the nagging type, you know how annoying this is. I guess you want to turn your partner into a rebellious teen.
Secondly, it make you feel unwanted and irrelevant especially if your repeated requests often go ignored and also makes you an enemy to your partner
Thirdly, it can cause both parties to question the relationship and make them wary of seeing each other. Instead of making him your enemy, see his side and help him see yours, know that nagging sucks the fun out of your lives together. imagine the amount of time and energy expanded on nagging and arguing about an issue, invest such time kneeling before your God.

REVENGE;- According to a social psychologist kevin  Carlsmith of Colgate, the reason for revenge is to achieve catharsis. However, his recent study suggests that revenge is in fact, counterproductive to achieving that goal. The study explains that those who seek to punish continue to think about the perpetrators, keeping minds, while those who move or get over it think less about the perpetrators. The truth still remains that, revenge is not sweet as it sounds. This suggests that when we don't get revenge, we can trivialize the event. We are able to tell ourselves that because we didn't go crazy (hacking our partner' body parts), it  was not the end of the world, after all. That way it is easier to move on. As we go through life, we, each, experience events and situation that cause us heartache and grieve. We become so upset and discouraged that revenge seems to be the only way to pull us out of our depression. However, revenge is counterproductive. You will cause more damage to yourself than you would, if you moved forward and forget about the incident. It can only bring out the worst in you and you will become a bitter, hurtful and a rude person.

VIOLENCE:- Marriage violence can have serious consequences. while the immediate  impact might be humiliation and/ or physical pain, especially when you have kids, your children will feel so ashamed of their parents when they fight. When you fight with your partner because of infidelity, it can only result to these;
* You end up loosing confidence in yourself
*You may suffer serious injury or death.
*You feel shame and guilt after fighting if you have dignity and conscience.
*It could lead to damaging of properties even the sweet relationship with your children.
*Lost of partner's love, trust and respect.

DIVORCE;-It may be helpful to understand a little about divorce and the typical effects it has on your partner and children. The financial reality of divorce is often hard to comprehend. a woman should also know that, men remarry quickly than women after a divorce and children suffer most when children separate. You can divorce your husband because of infidelity...hence he doesn't beat you, then he is still one of the best men on earth. When you divorce him, another picks him up and brings out the best in him while you stand single, or do you intend to re-marry again? If yes, who told you that the next man on your list will be a saint? Always have this at the back of your mind that, the devil you know is better than the angel you don't know.

Finally, you don't go about telling people that you have the worse marriage.  Don't ever deprive your husband sex no matter what. If the situation becomes bad that you can't handle alone, then it won't be a bad idea consulting a marriage counselor.   they are in the position to tell you what to do and how to handle the problem, not your family members or your friends. Know this, every marriage/relationship has it's ups and downs, so the way you handle your own matters a lot. Perhaps, when you tell your friends or family about your partner's weaknesses, you create an avenue for them to insult him and as well, make caricature of your marriage/relationship behind your bad. No matter how bad the situation seems, know that you will always reconcile with your partner and start being happy again..... 

CATCH YOU ON NEXT SUNDAY EPISODE " things a woman should DO when her partner cheats"


Adanna said...

Easier said than done

Amibo said...

Tell them...women will never learn